God I know I'm just a dot in this world, but I know YOU never forget me

Monday, April 16, 2007

muse vs kerispatih

lagi keganjenan sama 2 band above :D
yang ada ampir tiap hari playlistku isinya lagu2nya mereka, koq ya ndhak bosen yaa?!
kemaren sbenernya mau tulis liriknya kerispatih - tapi bukan aku di blog ini, apalah daya niatnya 30% malesnya menang 70% :D
walhasil jadi didului mbak rheea :(( ** nggak terima aku, soale dekne suka lagu itu khan gara2 aku :P - pedhe -
tapi tetep seih, my fav song enggak pernah ketinggalan *Dealova* - lawas.. lawas.. - **ngacir..
biarin, aku enggak suka felmnya tp ganjen banget ma lagunya :D

uhm... skarang ngupload liriknya muse ae wis **klo yang ini yakin mbak rheea enggak bakal ngikut2.
dia khan ga doyan lagu beginian huhuhuhu **victory smiley

anw feel dis songs, tob abisss......

MuSe - StArLighT (Black_Holes_and_Revelations)

Far away
The ship is taking me far away
Far away from the memories
Of the people who care if I live or die

I will be chasing the starlight
Until the end of my life
I don’t know if it’s worth it anymore

Hold you in my arms
I just wanted to hold
You in my arms

My life
You electrify my life
Let’s conspire to ignite
All the cells that would die just to feel alive

But i’ll never let you go
If you promised not to fade away
Never fade away

Our hopes and expectations
Black holes and revelations
Our hopes and expectations
Black holes and revelations

Hold you in my arms
I just wanted to hold
You in my arms

Far away
The ship is taking me far away
Far away from the memories
Of the people who care if I live or die

And i’ll never let you go
If you promise not to fade away
Never fade away

Our hopes and expectations
Black holes and revelations
Our hopes and expectations
Black holes and revelations

Hold you in my arms
I just wanted to hold
You in my arms


link | posted by donut's at 11:18 AM |


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